Akoranga North Master Plan

Akoranga North Master Plan

Matthew Bayly. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White.  The project comprises a masterplan design response to a group framework plan formed earlier in Semester 2.  This stage serves to re-explore the site, context, principles and vision to inform a unique...
The Dragging of Mauao

The Dragging of Mauao

Josh Currie. Tutor: Lama Tone.  Tauranga City has been struggling to maintain liveliness, with many plans currently underway to rejuvenate the largely desolate city centre, though these plans lack a sense of cultural identity and fail to present a Māori worldview to a...
An Idyllic Pastoral Urban Story

An Idyllic Pastoral Urban Story

Daijun Zuo. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White.  In this project, we want to preserve a beautiful pastoral scenery in the continuously developing urban environment and build a Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) model for the community as well as promote...
Masterplan: Akoranga North Development

Masterplan: Akoranga North Development

Monica Aung. Tutors: Lee Beattie, I-Ting Chuang, Lauren White.  Masterplan: Akoranga North Development aims to explore the interdependencies of urban design amongst various scales. This project intends to create a transit-oriented development as a new proposition for...