Posts tagged with:

Jon Rennie

Democratic Dialectic Database

Democratic Dialectic Database

Gujin Chung. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon Rennie, Frances Cooper. In the age of digitization, the value of the library is called into question. When we believe a hard drive can replace an entire...

Jafa Joy

Jafa Joy

Karl Poland. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon Rennie, Frances Cooper. Not to be confused with the lollies kids threw at adults in the cinema, the rather impolite acronym JAFA, encapsulates the North-South...

Social Lab

Social Lab

Cindy Huang. Tutors: Chris Barton, Jon Rennie. Imagining the City as a Library Moving beyond the analogy of a ‘storehouse of knowledge’, the 21st century library has evolved from its...