Laura Zheng.
Tutor: Sue Calder.
Islington Bay Kayak Shelter is a tranquil place where kayak tour groups can safely store their kayaks and relax and recharge after a long journey paddling from Mission Bay.
The design features a dark timber roof, a volcanic wall with seating and a kayak storage facility. The pontoon rises and falls with the tides, making the transition from sea to land seamless. The slanted roof descending to water level is both symbolic and pragmatic. Inspired by the repetitive paddling motion and the gentle incline of Rangitoto Island, south-westerly winds can travel up and over the roof, which offers protection from the wind, sun and rain. The beams and columns supporting the structure allow kayaks to be stored upright. The columns gradually fall in height to accommodate a variety of sizes of kayaks from 3.3 to 5.3 metres. As a result of the design, the façade of the shelter changes with the occupants and depends on the number of kayaks, their colours and the sun direction, creating a lively environment at Islington Bay, Rangitoto Island.
The design features a dark timber roof, a volcanic wall with seating and a kayak storage facility. The pontoon rises and falls with the tides, making the transition from sea to land seamless. The slanted roof descending to water level is both symbolic and pragmatic. Inspired by the repetitive paddling motion and the gentle incline of Rangitoto Island, south-westerly winds can travel up and over the roof, which offers protection from the wind, sun and rain. The beams and columns supporting the structure allow kayaks to be stored upright. The columns gradually fall in height to accommodate a variety of sizes of kayaks from 3.3 to 5.3 metres. As a result of the design, the façade of the shelter changes with the occupants and depends on the number of kayaks, their colours and the sun direction, creating a lively environment at Islington Bay, Rangitoto Island.